Campbell, C. W. (Charles William) 1861-1927
Online text (PDF) "A
Journey through North Korea to the Ch'ang-pai Shan". Proceedings of the Royal Geographical
Society and Monthly Record of Geography. Vol. XIV., No. 3.
March, 1892, pages 141 - 161
Campbell arrived in Korea to serve as Vice-Consul in September 1887
and on the last day of August 1889 he set out on a journey through
northern Korea toward Baekdu-san. The journey lasted until November
6 the same year. The journey is described in the white paper
published by Parliament in 1891 and in the paper he gave to
the Royal Geographical Society in London in January 1892 (text
online above).
"Since 1884, he had served as a consul (ie as a members of the
Consular Service) in China and remained in China until 1911. He had
even been consul general in Guangdong and Sichuan. However, it seems
that his major service area was Beijing. During the Sino-Japanese
War (1894-95), he participated as secretary on the Chinese side in
negotiations to win concessions such as railroad construction and
mine development and also joined in negotiations to demarcate the
frontier line between Burma and Yunnan Province of China.
(SOAS-AKS Working Papers in Korean Studies No. 8 Perceptions of
Choson Korea in Western Travelogues Jo, Yoong-Hee, July 2009)
CAMPBELL, Charles William, C.M.G.; H.B.M. Consul ; b. Oct. 21, 1861
; m. 1903, Violet Gertrude, y. d. of Mrs. Coutts, of Wellhouse,
Banstead. Appointed Student Interpreter in China, April 7, 1884;
Consul at Chemulpo, Corea, 1888 ; Accountant at Peking, 1894 to 1896
; promoted 1st class Assistant, Sept. 27, 1897 ; Assistant in
Chinese Secretary's Office, Peking, 1896 to 1899; promoted
Vice-Consul at Shanghai, May 13, 1899 ; Mission to Shantung in
connection with murder of missionary, Jan. to April, 1900; promoted
Consul, Wuchow, Feb. 24, 1900; acting Consul and Assistant Judge,
Shanghai, 19CO ; Interpreter on expedition for relief of Legations,
Peking, June, 1900 ; acting Consul-General, Tientsin, 1900 to 1901 ;
acting Chinese Secretary, Peking, from 1901 to 1902 ; was acting
Consul-General at Canton, 1903-1904. (From: : E. V. (Edward Verrall)
Lucas, Who's who in the Far East, 1906-7,
June. Hongkong, China Mail) He was given
the position of "Consul-General at Wuchow" in the title of the 1904
white paper about his expedition to Manchuria.
was born in Cork, Ireland, in 1861. He joined the consular
service as a student interpreter in 1884, having achieved first
place in the United Kingdom in a competitive examination which took
him to study interpreting Chinese at Birkbeck College London. Mr.
Campbell married in 1903 to Violet Coutts of Shanghai, and served as
a consul in Chengdu and then Peking before retiring to England
because of ill health in 1911. He died in London at the age of 65.
He was elected a Fellow of the Zoological Society of London in 1891.
In 1904 he discovered a new variety of hamster on the
Sino-Russian border and it was given his name, Campbell's hamster
(Phodopus Campbelli). His name was also commemorated in Campbell's
Hill Partridge (Arborophila (orientalis) Campbelli).
Transactions of the RASKB Vol. 41
pages 3 - 56. "Britons in Korea", by S. J. Whitwell.
W.R. Carles to whom I have already referred as the first Vice-Consul
at Chemulp’o, published in 1888 a book, “Life in Korea”, which
describes his travels, and the costumes, birds, beasts and flowers
of Korea. It is rather diffuse, and the honour of writing the first
really distinguished account, from a British pen, of conditions in
Korea must go to his colleague, Acting Vice-Consul Charles W.
Campbell’s account of his “Journey in North Corea in September and
October 1889” was sent to the Foreign Office and was published as a
white paper in 1891. (CHINA No. 2 (1891) C―6366) He rode from
Seoul to Wŏnsan through the Diamond mountains, being the first
European to visit that area, (I have subsequently been told that the
Diamond Mountains were visited in the winter of 1885-6 by a Russian,
Pavel Delotkevich, who published an account of his journey in 1889
and that this is referred to in “Around Korea”, extracts of the 19th
century published by the Soviet Academy of Sciences, 1959.)
continued up the North East coast as far as Pukch’ŏng (北靑), struck
inland to cross the Upper Yalu . . .
The expedition through Mongolia was planned for 1900 but it was
prevented by the Boxer Uprising. Wikipedia reports: "Frans
August Larson, was the first Christian & Missionary
Alliance missionary to Mongolia. . . . he arrived in China in 1893.
He settled in Kalgan (Zhangjiakou) on the border between China and
Mongolia, just south of the steppes and the northernmost arm of the
Great Wall of China. There, he fell in love with an American woman
missionary. She was a year older than he, her name was Mary Rogers,
and she came from Albany in the state of New York. They married in
1897. The Boxer Rebellion broke out in China in the year 1900,
but Larson managed to save himself, his wife and two small
daughters, and about 20 Swedish and American missionaries, and got
the party to Siberia. Larson had about twenty camels, fifteen horses
and several draft oxen at pasture north of Kalgan. The animals
belonged to the British consul in Beijing, C.W. Campbell. They were
to have been used on an expedition Larson had agreed to lead. The
Boxer Rebellion put a stop to this expedition. Campbell was confined
to the British legation in Beijing, and Larson was able to use the
animals to escape."
Other publications by Campbell
Report by Mr C. W. Campbell of a Journey in North Corea in September
and October 1889 (China Papers, 2, London, 1891),
Report by Mr. C.W. Campbell, His Majesty's consul at Wuchow, on a
journey in Mongolia. London, Pub. by H.M. Stationary Off., print. by
Harrison and Sons, 1904.
China. by C W Campbell; Great Britain. Foreign Office.
Historical Section.; University of London. School of Oriental and
African Studies. (London : H.M. Stationery Office, 1920.)
Handbooks prepared under the direction of the Historical Section of
the Foreign Office, no. 67.
Map of the
North Korean journey from the Proceedings
of the Royal Geographical Society