The Korean Repository: Local Edition

            No. III Feb 23, 1899

Monsieur Felix Faure, President of the French Republic, died suddenly on the morning of the 17th inst., apoplexy being the cause of his death.
He was 58 years old and was elected to the presidency for seven years, on the 17th of January, 1895.
The obsequies will take place in Paris on the 23d at the cathedral of Notre-Dame, and a funeral service will be held in Seoul on the same day at 10 a. m., at the French cathedral.
On the 18th of February the National Assembly, composed of the Senate and Chamber of Deputies, elected Monsieur Emile Loubet as President of the Republic. Aged 61 years, the new President has been successively senator, president of the Council, Minister of Home affairs, and since January, 1896, he was president of the Senate.

On Feb. 4 the Filipinos attacked the American outposts and a general fight ensued, which raged fiercely until midday on the 5th. The Filipinos were disastrously defeated and were driven back several miles, finding it impossible to withstand the American charges. The warships Charleston and Monadnock shelled the Filipinos, doing great execution. The American loss is approximately seventy-five killed and one hundred and fifty wounded. The rebel loss is estimated at from four to five thousand.—Hongkong Telegraph.

The year 1898 marked a remarkable advance in Bible work in Korea. The translation in its first form of the New Testament was finished by individual members of the Board of Translators and is now going thro the press. This in itself is worthy of record. The Board as a whole has not finished its work. The American Bible Society, the National Bible Society of Scotland, and the British and Foreign Bible society are all engaged in the work of translation and publication. The society last named has an agent living in Seoul and the circulation, aside from what is done by missionaries, is done thro this society. There were twenty-five colporteurs and twelve Bible women—Koreans—employed for a longer or shorter period during the year. The total number of Korean Scriptures (portions), published last year was 93,000, and the actual sales 34,913 as against 6,335 in 1897, 2,997 in 1896, and 1,253 in 1895. The readiness with which Koreans buy Scriptures and Christian books generally is a constant and pleasant surprise to the missionary.



 Friday Feb. 10th was New Year’s day according to the Chinese reckoning. For centuries until 1895 the Chinese calendar prevailed in Korea and about it has grown up a large number of customs and observances. Tho the Gregorian calendar was legally adopted in 1895 and Jan. 1st is observed as the official New Year, yet the people hold to the old calendar and celebrate its opening as a gala day. One reason for the strong hold it has on the people is that by this time the winter costume has reached that stage in its transformation from immaculate white to the color of mother earth where it becomes convenient to make a change.. Therefore on that day the entire nation, from the patrician of the bluest blood to the unwashed coolie on the street, appears in new or freshly laundried garments.

The season is being generally observed throughout Seoul. The streets are gay with the variegated costumes of the children. The air is full of pugnacious kites. The creditor pursues the unfortunate debtor with all the merciless vigor of yore. Stone fights appear to be as popular as ever, tho the burden of maintaining them seems to have fallen upon the “small boy.” All Korea. in supreme self-sacrifice, has given up all serious life for fifteen days and has united in a grand effort to help the sun through the winter solstice.



The entertainment furnished to the members of Seoul Union last Friday was a unique and charming affair. Different literary productions and authors were presented is charade form and the audience was expected to give the name The young people and children connected with the Union assisted Mrs. Wakefield in a very satisfactory manner. Tea was served by the ladies of the Ewa School and every one present thoroughly enjoyed themselves.



The Rev. C. T. Collyer, whose serious illness of typhoid fever we noted, is convalesing.

The Government schools, which are closed during the Korean holidays, will be re-opened next Monday.

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W. F. Sands, Secretary of the United States Legation. has been confined to his house with rheumatism for a fortnight or more.

Dr. W. B. McGill and family, who left Wonsan in December, last month arrived safely at San Francisco and are staying temporarily at Los Angeles. Cal.

Prof Hulbert made a short business trip from New York to London. He expects to reach Seoul and resume work in his school some time next month.

It is reported that those officials who received their positions thro the Ministers are to be rewarded for meritorious services to the amount of ten yen each. The number is not specified.

The school for the study of Chinese classics by the high classes is to be re-organized. The present Minister of Education. Hon Sin Kisun, is a staunch believer in the doctrines of Confucius.

The peddlers lately petitioned the Minister of Agriculture and Commerce for the reorganization of their guild. The Minister gave them little encouragement telling them the organization had been abolished by Imperial edict and that he was subject to the further pleasure of the government.

On account of the escape of three prisoners noted in our first issue from the jail inside the west gate no less than five officials including the chief keeper, clerks, and keepers, were deprived of their positions.

Mr. Alex Kenmure, Agent of the British and Foreign Bible Society, and Mr. A. A. Fitters went on a tour of inspection to Quelpart. They went by steamer from Chemulpo on the 18th inst.. and will be gone for a month or more.

Dr. H. C. Sherman left Seoul on Monday for a six weeks’ stay on the island of Kangwha. The doctor says he will talk Korean like a native when he returns, and he expects to work up some fine cornet music for the benefit of Seoul audiences as well.




France in Mourning.

LONDON, Feb. 17. A telegram announces that President Faure died at Paris at 10 o’clock last evening after an illness of only three hours.

LONDON, Feb. 18.— President Faure died of apoplexy in his study at Elysee and it is believed that this was due to worry over the Dreyfus affair. There will be a state funeral on the 23d.


LONDON, Feb. 7.—A committee of French chamber has rejected the Dreyfus bill on the ground that Madeau’s report is not convincing.

LONDON, Feb. 7. Compbell Bannerman has been elected leader of the Liberal party.

LONDON, Feb. 7.—The United States senate has ratified the treaty of peace by a majority of three votes.

LONDON, Feb. 7.—A missionary at Kobe has been consecrated Bishop of Osaka.

LONDON, Feb. 7.—The deaths of Count Caprivi and Prince Alfred of Coburg are announced.

LONDON, Feb. 8 —Parliament has been opened. The queen’s speech states that relations of the British with the Powers continue to be friendly; it refers to the brilliant conduct of the Omdurman campaign and is proud. to acknowledge the distinguished bravery of the British and Egyptian troops.

The government gladly participated in the conferences summoned by the Czar to consider the possibility of limiting armaments, and although it is unable to concur with all the resolutions of the proposed anarchist conference some requisite amendments to the present laws will be submitted to Parliament. It swells with great satisfaction on the contribution by the Cape to the navy, and announces the London government bill and measures for dealing with educational work and men to purchase dwellings.

LONDON, Feb. 8.—A late telegram from Washington states that the cabinet have decided on rigorous offensive attack on Iloilo and will endeavor to capture Filipino’s government.

LONDON, Feb. 8.—The Molalos Chinese loan has been ten times covered.

LONDON, Feb. 9. —The House of Lords has voted a reply to the Queen’s speech. Lord Salisbury referring to China said that her future was not in the hands of Britain and that the latter must deal with the Chinese government concerning the execution of treaties, and safeguarding British interests. He said that we do not contemplate the acquisition of territory nor the dismemberment of the eastern empires. He also said that England’s advantages in the past year were greater than before, and greater in comparison with those of other nations.

LONDON, Feb. 10.—It is understood that the report completely whitewashes the judges, as Beaurepaire’s charges are based on exaggerated inferences of excited witnessed and gossip of underlings._

LONDON, Feb. 10.—In address before Commons Brodrick anticipated great results from the opening of Tunningfa on Westriver; deprecated hostility and jealousy towardw other powers. Grey welcomed declarations of good desire to avoid teritorial expansion in China and advocated a candid understanding with Russia obviating difficulties.
London, Feb. 11—Yesterday’s version of the committee’s report is confirmed. Nevertheless Gout insists on passing the Dreyfus bill.
London, Feb. 11—An amendment made to the address in reply to the Queen’s speech by Samuel Smith, member of Parliament for Flintshire, demanding legislation to secure obedience of ritualists to the law, has been rejected by 21 votes to 89. Balfour admitted certain excesses and urges house to leave the matter in the hands of the bishops until their impotence is proved.
London, Feb 13—Circumstantial report has been received that the remains of Andre and his comrades have been found beside their ballroom in northern Siberia.
London, Feb 13—In spite of committee’s rejection the French Chamber has adopted the Dreyfus bill by 332 votes to 216.
London, Feb 13—President McKinley has signed the treaty of peace.
London, Feb 13—The American ambassador in Berlin has strongly protested against the conduct of Germany in Samoa.
London, Feb. 13—Herr von Bulow, speaking in the Reichstag, repudiated the designs on the Philippines which have been attributed to Germany and said that the Filipinos had received no German support of any kind and that he believed that German and American interests would in no place clash in the future.
London, Feb 15—There have been continuous gales in Britain accompanied by wrecks, floods and tidal waves. The Cunard liner, Pavonia, is a fortnight over due and was last reported as drifting in a helpless condition. There has been a blizzard and unpresedented cold in America and weekly steamers from Europe have not arrived.
London, Feb 15—Broderick has promised to bring out shortly a voluminous blue book on the China question. He states that the question of the defense of Wei-hai-wei is far advanced and that proposals there anent will be submitted to Parliament.
London, Feb 15—The French senate has referred the Dreyfus bill to a committee.
London,  Feb. 16—The United States senate has adopted by 26 votes to 22 a resolution declaring that the ratification of the treaty of peace does not imply permanent annexation of the Philippines but that it is intended to prepare the island for self-government.
London, Feb 16—The League de Patrie Francaise has sent invitations to all officers of the French army to join the league.
London, Feb 17—Tugs sent out have failed to find the Cunard staeamer, Pavonia, or the Hamburg liner, Bulgaria.
London, Feb 17—Australian papers urge the annexations by Britain of Samoa as being the only solution of the present anarchy.
London, Feb 17—The collapse of negotiations of the Anglo-American commission of Canadian affairs is apprehended momentarily owing to the unwillingness of Americans to grant reciprocity.
London, Feb 17—The death of Justice Chitty is announced.
London, Feb 18—The National Assembly of France will probably meet at Versailles on Saturday to elect a president. The probable candidates are Depuy, Brisson, Cavlnac, and Soubet, the president of the senate.
London, Feb. 18—Henry’s warehouse in Meclbourne has been burned including a half million pounds of tea.
London, Feb 18—Owing to parliamentary exigencies the Nicaragua canal bill has been shelved for the present session.